List of Saints Called Upon for Special Purposes *

To Have a Child
   St. Anna, Mother of the Theotokos
   St. Elizabeth, Mother of the Forerunner
   St. Sabbas the Sanctified of Palestine
   St. Irene Chrysovolantou

For Safe Childbirth
   St. Eleftherios

For the Care & Protection of Infants
   St. Stylianos

For Young People
   Holy Great Martyr Demetrios the Wonderworker

Delivery from Sudden Death
   St. Barbara the Great Martyr

Against Drinking
   Holy Martyr Boniface & the Righteous Aglais

For Travelers
   St. Nicholas: in general, & specifically for sea travel
   St. John the Russian: for transport, auto, busses
   St. Niphon, Patriarch of Constantinople: for safety at sea

For Cobblers
   St. Eustathius the Cobbler of Georgia

For Physicians
   St. Panteleimon
   The Holy Unmercenaries, Saints Cosmas & Damian

For the Kitchen, Home
   St. Euphrosynos the Cook
   St. Sergius of Radonezh: for baking
   Sts. Spyridon & Nikodim of Kievo-Pechersk: Prosphora making

For Trading
   St. Paraskeva

For Headaches
   Holy New Martyr Demas of Smyrna

For Eyes
   St. Paraskeva

For Ears
   St. Spyridon the Wonderworker

For Teeth
   St. Antipas of Pergamum

For Hernias & Intestinal Disorders
   Holy Great Martyr Artemius
   St. Artemius of Verkola

For Throat
   St. Blaise of Sebastia

For Finding Employment
   St. Xenia of St. Petersburg

For Help in Studies
   The Three Hierarchs: St. Basil the Great, St. John Chrysostom, St. Gregory the
   St. Sergius of Radonezh
   St. John of Kronstadt
   St. Justin the Philosopher

For Church-Chanting
   St. Romanos the Melodist

For Iconographers
   St. Luke the Apostle and Evangelist
   St. John of Damascus

For Patient Endurance of Affliction
   St. Job the Much-Suffering
   Holy Forty Martyrs of Sebastia: especially in freezing cold weather
   Holy Forty-Two Martyrs of Amorion

For Protection Against Thieves
   St. Gregory the Wonderworker of Kievo-Pechersk

For Stone-workers
   Holy Martyrs Florus & Laurus

For Soldiers
   Holy Archangel Michael
   St. George the Great Martyr
   St. Barbara the Great Martyr

For Spiritual Help, Consolation & Compunction
   St. Ephraim the Syrian
   St. Alexis the Man of God
   St. Seraphim of Sarov

For a Good End to One's Life
   Holy Archangel Michael
   St. Niphon, Patriarch of Constantinople

For Captives and Court Cases
St. Onouphrios the Great
St. Peter of Athos
St. George the Great Martyr

For Help in Distress, Poverty, Etc.
   St. Nicholas the Wonderworker
   St. John the Almsgiver of Alexandria
   St. John of Kronstadt

For Finding Things
   St. Phanourios the Great Martyr
   St. Menas the Great Martyr of Egypt

For Meeting a Difficult Situation, an Interview, Etc.
   St. David the Prophet, Psalmist & King
   The Holy Unmercenaries & Healers
   SS. Cosmas & Damian of Rome
   SS. Panteleimon & Hermolaus
   St. Julian the Martyr
   St. John of Kronstadt
   St. Nectarios of Aegina
   Holy Archangel Raphael

For Animals & Livestock
   St. George: cattle & herds
   St. Parthenius of Radovysdius: cattle
   SS. Spevsippus, Elesippus & Melevsippus: horses
   St. Tryphon: geese

For Protection of Crops from Pests
  St. Michael of Synnada

For the Protection of Gardens Against Pests
   Holy Great Martyr Tryphon: also for hunters and Patron of Moscow

Against Demons & Witchcraft
  SS. Cyprian & Justina
  St. Theodore Sykeote
  St. Mitrophan of Voronezh

For Chastity & Help in Carnal Warfare
  St. John the Forerunner
  St. Demetrios the Great Martyr
  St. John the Much-Suffering
  Holy Martyr Theodore the Byzantine
  Holy Martyr Ignatios of Athos
  St. Mary of Egypt
  St. Joseph the All-Comely
  St. Susanna [Old Testament]

For Mental Disorders
  St. Naum of Ochrid
  St. Anastasia
  St. Gerasimos of Cephalonia: the possessed

Against Plague
  St. Haralambos
  St. Marina the Great Martyr

For Help Against Quick-Temper & Despondency
   St. Tikhon of Zadonsk

For Workers in Hospitals
   Holy Unmercenaries Saints Cosmas & Damian
   St. Dositheus, Disciple of Abba Dorotheus

For Guilelessness & Simplicity
   Holy Apostle Nathaniel & St. Paul the Simple

* Reprinted from Orthodox Family Life. Volume 3, Issue 3. Spring 1998